Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa Claus has come!

Yesterday some Santa Clauses came to our office.

A little bit hasty, though.

I chose the one with very cute strawberry cap, topped with whipped cream, whose body was filled with strawberry flavoured pudding (right).

Wish you happy Christmas!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hot Springs Encyclopedia

After the first snow, we had little snow and the blanket of snow has gone.

But still it's winter and I can't be away from the heating... A good season to visit hot springs now.

The other day Jiyujin's extra number, Onsen Zukan (Hot Springs Encyclopedia) , was released.
This issue features "Nigoriyu," a type of hot sp
rings with clundy colour.

"The Secrets of Cloudy Colours of Hot Springs"

There are great variety of hot springs in Japan
Different smells, tastes, temperatures, benefits for the human body...
Colours, or visual effects, are also valued, as Japanese people enjoy hot springs by bathing.

The variety of colour is amazing.
White, brown, green, gray, blue, black.....
These waters are not trasparent but cloudy, w
hitish, mysterious colour.

Gray? Blue?
Colours often change day by day

I like blue ones. Isn't this colour like a mixture of the sky and clouds?